

Numeriation  – Pendidikan pelajaran hari ini kita belajar bersama mengenai Numeriation . metri ini adalh lanjutan dari meteri sebelumnya, untuk itu mari kita belajar bersama mengeai materi Numeriation  di bawah ini:


7 + 2 = 1. seven plus two equals nine

             2. seven and two is nine

8 – 3 = 1. eight minus three is five

            2. eight less three is five

4 x 3 = 1. four times three is twelver

             2. four is multiplied by three is twelve

12 : 3 = 1. Tweleve is divided by three is four

2(2)=4 = 1. Two equared is four

               2. Two second power is four

2(3)= 8 = 1. Two cubed is eight

                2. Two the third power is eight

(9=3 = The square root of nine is three

(16=2= The square root of nine is three